Sunday, January 8, 2012

Hijacked Blog

I have decided to hijack this blog from hubby and document my thesis progress instead. I know, so much more interesting than traveling and going out, right? Now now don't worry dedicated reader (if you are still out there) we will still use this blog to update you on our many adventures. I just thought it would be fun to share my work in progress and get feedback from friends and family on my work.

For example, my next blog post will be a contest. I am looking to have someone help me come up with a title for my thesis. More details to come soon, but for those who know what my thesis is about you have a head start on coming up with a banging title. And for those who don't, never fear. I will post a synopsis of the work for you to get a better understanding and hopefully help you to  create an attention-grabbing title.

Oh and the prize you say? Well the lucky winner whose title is chosen will receive a special thank you on my dedication page of the thesis and a copy of it. Hmmmm... I don't know if that is a prize or a punishment. Anyway, I can use all the help you can send in coming up with a title.

Thanks in advance and watch for my next post for the contest details!